Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Past indiscretions

As with all heated political contests, nasty rumors occasionally surface. Ophelia Gato wants to deal with one in particular: her past usage of Catnip.
Like many adolescent kitties, Ophelia engaged in some experimentation during her college days. She admits to inhaling the "kitty crack".  Mrs. Gato takes ownership of her past and uses those experiences to shape a better future. She wants America to know that she has learned from her wrongs.
Ophelia is committed to keeping Catnip off our streets. She has seen firsthand the downward spiral of addiction in some of her other kitty friends. Ophelia wants to enhance programs to get users in Catnip rehabilitation. She wants all kitties to have the opportunities she has had.

National Security Note: The grey cat is a known user of the Catnip and it's various forms. 

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